What a wild ride we’ve been on! With lockdown restrictions picking up again, the final stroke of midnight did not quite wash us magically clear of our crazy new reality. However, the changing of year maintained to serve as a great opportunity to take a little time off, to rest, reconnect and reflect. While in ways this past year has been the most challenging, uncertain and painful yet, it brought with it such incredible opportunity for introspection, for deep analysis and the space for radical transformation.

I am deeply grateful for this year, for the time and space which was created and for the communities of support through it all. No question about it, this is one for the record books for sure. It seems absolutely wild to think that I attended my first ever weaving lesson on a tiny little homemade frame loom only twelve months ago. Since then, Crosspolynations was registered as a company, the online store was launched, a beautiful old Swedish floor loom, was bought, restored and became part of the family. Local fibre supply chains where established, connection with the local weavers guild was made, the 10 000 hours mark has been quickly chipped away at and some pretty big dreams have been forged. 

As much as it was a year of challenge, fear and confrontation, the overwhelming lesson for this studio is gratitude. To all of you who have reached out and supported this vision in any small way, you are seen and deeply appreciated. There are big things on the horizon for Crosspolynations,

And so, we’re strolling forward into the new year, replenished, recharged and absolutely brimming with excitement !

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