At the end of 2021 I decided I wanted to be the kind of person who sets goals. I took a week off over the end of the year and spent my summer holiday on the beach with a notebook, setting some goals. There were a couple things that felt like distant dreams, but as we head downhill to the end of yet another year, I’m absolutely stunned by how many things can get crossed off a list, if you write it! A studio of 50sqm was a big one for me and I thought that would be enough of an acheivement for the year, until this sweet babe came along. Over the last couple months I’ve been to view a couple looms, unwilling to take on anything that wasn’t just right, as space is incredibly important to me and I’ve been terrified of becoming the trope of a weaver with a room so full of looms that you can’t move. But this small honey, affectionately known as 'Piccoloom' is such a welcome addition to the family. She needs a little love to get up and running smoothly, but I can’t wait to play ! It is always worth creating space for a little more spontaneity and experimentation, and that’s what Piccoloom is all about. Second loom, crossing that off the list, time for a new goal !